Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a highly infectious tickborne disease caused by a high-risk group of viruses belonging to the family Bunyaviridae (1,2). In humans, the overall case-fatality rate of CCHF is ≈30%, but in severe and hospitalized patients, fatalities may be up to 80% (3,4). CCHF is widespread in various countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe; the virus had been identified in humans in China, Pakistan, and Afghanistan and has been recently reported for the first time in humans in India (4–7). Humans can be infected by bites from infected ticks, mainly of the Hyalomma genus; by unprotected contact with blood or tissue of viremic patients; or during slaughtering of infected animals. In addition, nosocomial infections are found in humans (1,4,8,9).