National Disease Surveillance and Epidemiology Unit
National Diseases Surveillance and Epidemiology Unit was established under RCDC to carry out the activities related to National Notifiable Disease Surveillance (NNDS) and outbreak response to ease the operational issues in reporting from health centers. NNDS was revised and renamed National Early Warning Alert and Response Surveillance (NEWARS) in 2014.
Reporting can be done through web-based and real-time reporting through mobile SMS. These systems are able to detect and monitor public health events and trigger a rapid response at any level.
- Provide epidemiological support to the relevant stakeholders in disease surveillance and disease outbreak investigations.
- Monitor trend of notifiable diseases and health threats in the communities
- Study, analyze, and disseminate diseases surveillance and outbreak investigation data.
- Verify, assess and provide recommendations on event reports received.
- Support in capacity building of health professionals in conducting outbreak investigation of National Notifiable Diseases.
- Evaluate the existing diseases surveillance system and provide recommendation for improvement
Ongoing Activities:
- Indicator Based National Notifiable Disease Surveillances(IBS)
IBS is the systematic collection and analysis of timely, reliable and appropriate data on priority diseases, syndromes and conditions. Data reporting and analysis occur on a monthly basis and trends of diseases are often used to identify outbreaks.
- Immediate Reportable National Notifiable Disease Surveillances(IRS):
Immediately reporting any one of diseases/syndrome that are of major public health importance as a single case may lead to an outbreak or widespread transmission and requires an immediate action.
- Event Based Surveillance (EBS)
EBS captures information about events that are potential risks to public health. Information may be captured from news media sites, disease reporting networks, and other ad hoc reports transmitted through formal and informal channels.
Who do we work with/Projects:
- Ministry of Health
- World Health Organization